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The young British-born Vietnamese are a relatively invisible group in ‘super-diverse’ London who are often misidentified in their everyday encounters. Eluding more straightforward processes of ethnic or racial assignment, the young Vietnamese ‘pass’ in various different ways as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai or ‘Oriental’. Drawing upon primary interview data and participant observation, this article traces ‘passive’ and ‘deliberate’ forms of passing to highlight how intersecting processes of class, gender and place enable/engender different kinds of passing. It is argued that Vietnamese-passing challenges more ‘celebratory’ readings of (super-) diversity by concealing (and depoliticising) difference and erasing Vietnamese voices rather than allowing for their proliferation. It is suggested that practices of passing may become more common in super-diverse societies, as markers of visible difference become increasingly complex and less determinable, especially among newer, non-colonial migrant groups who are more ambiguously positioned within existing identity regimes.  相似文献   
《不动产登记暂行条例》按照《物权法》的规定,实行不动产统一登记制度,改变我国当前不动产“多头登记”的现状,有利于界定不动产归属,维护交易安全。总则部分关于登记范围的规定遗漏了探矿权、采矿权、取水权这三种重要的权利,且没有在全国范围内确定唯一的不动产登记机构,故没有真正实现完全意义上的不动产统一登记;暂行条例首次规定了不动产登记薄的设置、保管、查阅等内容,但是依然欠缺登记簿法律效力的规定,没有彻底地贯彻物权公示公信原则;登记程序亦没有和《物权法》的程序性规定实现有效整合。登记机构对于登记申请的审查义务的规定明确、具体,在明晰审查义务的基础上,援引《物权法》的规定确定登记错误时登记机构的赔偿责任,较为合理。  相似文献   
魏晋南北朝诗坛模拟袭用之风盛行,诗人在模拟与重复中感受并彰显诗歌形式美的各种要素,对于促进古典诗歌走向成熟以及诗歌意象的形成发挥了承上启下的重要作用。同时,因模拟袭用之风推动,魏晋南北朝诗坛出现了数量众多分别在内容、情境、语言、风格诸方面相似或相近的诗篇,甚至导致传播过程中某些诗篇署名的混淆。探讨曹植五言诗与《古诗十九首》的相似,必须充分考虑上述因素。  相似文献   
建国前中共党人对孙中山的纪念内涵,在不同的历史时期有着显著的差别。随着时局变迁,在孙中山去世、国民革命失败以及抗日战争前后等阶段,中共党人纪念孙中山的内容和意义虽不断发生变化,但其利用不同的纪念空间,通过集体记忆的形式,一直重申自身革命的正统性并付诸于实践,从未改变过。  相似文献   
路易斯·厄德里克是印第安文学中最多产的作家之一,《桦树皮小屋》是其六部儿童小说中的一部。作品按照春夏秋冬四季安排结构,以印第安奥吉布瓦部姑娘奥玛凯阿丝为中心,展现印第安人的智慧、力量以及对自然、对本族群与异族的态度。厄德里克着重书写一种力量,小说结构安排上的四季循环,隐喻了印第安部落之间力量的传递。这种凝聚的力量生成于部落成员间对彼此的爱,以及印第安人与宇宙万物之间的爱。这种爱的循环,构成了一种强大的力量的循环,使印第安民族虽历经磨难,也有足够的力量和勇气挺过寒冬,迎来春华秋实。  相似文献   
英国学者怀特和纽琳最近揭示了华兹华斯诗歌中的共同体意识,但是他们的研究都有失偏颇:纽琳只偏重个人对共同体的责任这一角度,而怀特则把个人和共同体看作对立的概念,对两者之间的辩证关系缺乏洞察。事实上,华氏对共同体的思考是多层次、多角度的,因此我们的相关研究也应该在较为宽广的语境中展开。虽然华氏并没有用过“情感结构”这一术语,但是他的有关思考跟发明这一术语的威廉斯可谓不谋而合:在威氏那里,情感结构意味着一种“深度共同体”,而只有在这深度共同体中,“沟通才成为可能”;华氏在想象共同体时所关注的也恰恰是怎样使上述沟通成为可能,因而他心目中的共同体实际上也是一种深度共同体。华氏的诗歌还让人想起艾略特。后者直接把共同体的命运跟对待死者等陌生人的态度联系在了一起,而华氏早于艾氏一百多年就表达了类似的思想,而且给予了诗意的表达。  相似文献   
在客观阐述物联网的概念和特征基础上,指出了物联网技术在工程机械行业的促进作用,并介绍了工程机械物联网的概念、关键技术、体系架构和应用。把物联网技术渗透到传统工程机械行业,使传统工程机械走进了“智能机器”时代,能实现工程机械的智能化识别、定位、跟踪、远程状态监测与故障诊断和信息管理。  相似文献   
现代中国小说的开山之作《狂人日记》,与其说是“第一篇现实主义小说”,不如说是象征主义小说的发端。它主要借重象征主义表现法,使“狂人”的感觉能力得以升华,乃至发出“从来如此,便对么”的惊世之问,表征了新文化先驱不无孤绝地反传统的心境。而就小说的创作方法、属性问题的去讹存真,恰可揭示鲁迅审美视野的开阔,以及勉力集合诸种创作方法张力的用心。  相似文献   
Differentiated gender roles in adulthood are rooted in one's gender role socialization. In order to understand the persistence of gender inequalities in the domestic sphere, we need to examine the gendered patterns of children's housework time. Although researchers have identified behavior modeling as a major mechanism of gender role reproduction and characterized gender socialization as a contextually embedded process, few have investigated contextual variation in behavior modeling, particularly in non‐Western developing countries. Analyzing data from the China Family Panel Studies 2010, the author examined the differences in behavior modeling between boys and girls age 10–15 from 2‐parent families (N = 1,903) in rural and urban China. The results revealed distinctive gendered interplays in the way parental housework and employment behavior helps shape children's housework time. This analysis is a crucial illustration of how the distinctive sociocultural contexts of rural and urban China moderate the effects of housework‐behavior modeling on intergenerational gender role socialization.  相似文献   
Drawing from 2 largely isolated approaches to the study of social stress—stress proliferation and minority stress—the authors theorize about stress and mental health among same‐sex couples. With this integrated stress framework, they hypothesized that couple‐level minority stressors may be experienced by individual partners and jointly by couples as a result of the stigmatized status of their same‐sex relationship—a novel concept. They also consider dyadic minority stress processes, which result from the relational experience of individual‐level minority stressors between partners. Because this framework includes stressors emanating from both status‐based (e.g., sexual minority) and role‐based (e.g., partner) stress domains, it facilitates the study of stress proliferation linking minority stress (e.g., discrimination), more commonly experienced relational stress (e.g., conflict), and mental health. This framework can be applied to the study of stress and health among other marginalized couples, such as interracial/ethnic, interfaith, and age‐discrepant couples.  相似文献   
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